What Is A Dig In Volleyball?

Are you curious to know what is a dig in volleyball? You have come to the right place as I am going to tell you everything about a dig in volleyball in a very simple explanation. Without further discussion let’s begin to know what is a dig in volleyball?

In the fast-paced world of volleyball, a crucial skill for players on the defensive end is the art of digging. But what exactly is a dig in volleyball? Let’s dive into the definition, rules, types, and techniques associated with this fundamental defensive move.

What Is A Dig In Volleyball?

A “dig” in volleyball refers to the defensive move used by players to prevent the ball from hitting the ground on their side of the court. It involves using the forearms to control the trajectory of the ball, directing it to a teammate for a successful play.

What Is A Dig In Volleyball?

A “dig” is a defensive play executed by a player to receive a spiked or fast-approaching ball from the opponent, keeping the ball in play and setting up for an offensive response.

What Is Considered A Dig In Volleyball:

A dig is considered successful when a player effectively receives and controls a challenging hit from the opponent, ensuring that the ball remains playable for their team.

What Is The Definition Of A Dig In Volleyball:

The definition of a dig in volleyball involves the precise use of forearm passing to control the ball, preventing it from touching the ground and maintaining the team’s offensive momentum.

What Is A Dig In Volleyball Rules:

While there are no specific rules solely for digging, certain rules govern how players execute the dig within the broader context of the game. These rules include proper hand contact, no double hits, and the allowance of three consecutive contacts per team.

What Is A Dig In Volleyball Olympics:

In Olympic volleyball, digging plays a crucial role in the game’s dynamics. Teams competing at the highest level showcase exceptional digging skills to counter powerful offensive plays and maintain control during rallies.

5 Types Of Digging In Volleyball:

  • Forearm Pass Dig: The most common type, where the player uses the forearms to pass the ball to a teammate.
  • Overhead Dig: Involves using the hands together above the head to deflect the ball upwards.
  • Roll Shot Dig: Executed by allowing the ball to roll off the forearms, creating a controlled trajectory.
  • Dive Dig: Players may dive to the ground to make a dig, sacrificing their body to keep the ball in play.
  • Beach Volleyball Dig: Adjusting digging techniques for sand conditions, where precise control is crucial.

3 Types Of Digging In Volleyball:

  • Offensive Dig: A dig strategically directed to initiate a fast and effective offensive play.
  • Defensive Dig: Focused on preventing the opponent’s attack and keeping the ball in play.
  • Passive Dig: Used to simply keep the ball in play without necessarily setting up a powerful offensive response.

Types Of Dig In Volleyball:

The type of dig used depends on the nature of the incoming ball, the player’s position, and the team’s overall strategy. Players may employ various digging techniques to match the game’s intensity and dynamics.

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How To Dig In Volleyball Hand Position:

Proper hand position is crucial for an effective dig. Players should create a flat surface with their forearms, ensuring the ball contacts the platform between the wrists and elbows for optimal control.

Volleyball Digging Drills:

Drills are essential for improving digging skills. Targeted exercises focus on footwork, reaction time, and forearm control, helping players develop the muscle memory needed for successful digs.

How To Improve Digging In Volleyball:

Improving digging skills involves consistent practice, focusing on foot movement, anticipation of the opponent’s hits, and refining forearm passing techniques. Incorporating targeted drills into training sessions can significantly enhance a player’s digging proficiency.


In conclusion, mastering the art of the dig in volleyball is essential for any player aiming to contribute defensively and maintain control during intense rallies. Whether executing a forearm pass, an overhead dig, or a specialized technique, players must develop the skills and agility needed to keep the ball in play and set the stage for a successful offensive response.


What Is Counted As A Dig?

A dig (D) is awarded when a player passes the ball that has been attacked by the opposition. Digs are given only when players receive an attacked ball and it is kept in play, not when a ball is brought up off a “put back” (blocked ball). Philosophy. The pass or play of any ball that is attacked is awarded a dig.

Why Do We Dig In Volleyball?

Volleyball digging is essential for having a successful defense. The job of a volleyball digger is to prevent the ball from hitting the floor after being spiked by the opposing team. To dig, the volleyball players must anticipate the spike and be prepared to quickly dive in any direction.

What Is The Difference Between Digging And Passing In Volleyball?

If a player is able to get under the ball and pass it, that pass is considered a dig. On the other hand, if the ball is touched by a player’s teammate first before the player passes it, that would not be considered a dig. Instead, it would just be a regular pass.

How Do You Count Digs In Volleyball?

Digs: A dig is awarded to a player whenever a player passes the ball which has been attacked by the opposition. (NOT FREE BALLS) Digs are only awarded when a player receives an attacked ball and it is kept in play.

I Have Covered All The Following Queries And Topics In The Above Article

What Is A Dig In Volleyball Definition

What Is A Dig In Volleyball?

What Is Considered A Dig In Volleyball

What Is The Definition Of A Dig In Volleyball

What Is A Dig In Volleyball Rules

What Is A Dig In Volleyball Olympics

5 Types Of Digging In Volleyball

3 Types Of Digging In Volleyball

Types Of Dig In Volleyball

How To Dig In Volleyball Hand Position

Volleyball Digging Drills

How To Improve Digging In Volleyball

What Is A Dig In Volleyball