What Is Companion Device Manager?

Are you curious to know what is companion device manager? You have come to the right place as I am going to tell you everything about companion device manager in a very simple explanation. Without further discussion let’s begin to know what is companion device manager?

What Is Companion Device Manager?

Companion Device Manager (CDM) is a Windows 10 feature that allows users to link and manage Bluetooth-enabled devices with their computer. The CDM enables users to establish a secure connection between their computer and compatible Bluetooth devices, including smartphones, tablets, and other peripherals.

How Does Companion Device Manager Work?

The Companion Device Manager is a built-in feature of Windows 10 and is accessible from the Settings app. When a user activates the CDM, their computer will begin scanning for nearby Bluetooth-enabled devices. Once a device is detected, the user can pair it with their computer, which establishes a secure connection between the two devices.

The Companion Device Manager enables users to manage multiple devices, including smartphones, tablets, and other peripherals, from a single location. Once devices are paired, users can customize their settings and preferences, such as notifications, volume levels, and more.

Benefits Of Using Companion Device Manager

Using Companion Device Manager offers several benefits to Windows 10 users, including:

  • Simplified Device Management: The CDM provides a centralized location for managing multiple Bluetooth-enabled devices, making it easy to customize settings and preferences.
  • Increased Security: By establishing a secure connection between devices, the CDM helps protect against unauthorized access and data breaches.
  • Improved Productivity: Companion Device Manager enables users to easily switch between devices and share data, improving overall productivity and efficiency.
  • Seamless Integration: CDM is seamlessly integrated with Windows 10 and requires no additional software or drivers, making it easy to use and accessible to all users.


In conclusion, Companion Device Manager is a Windows 10 feature that allows users to link and manage Bluetooth-enabled devices with their computer. The CDM provides a centralized location for managing multiple devices, improving security, productivity, and overall user experience. Whether you are using a smartphone, tablet, or other Bluetooth-enabled device, the Companion Device Manager makes it easy to establish a secure connection and customize your settings and preferences from a single location.

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What Is A Device Companion App?

Companion device profile, introduced in Android 12, is a feature that allows companion apps to request a set of permissions specific to the type of the companion device, for example, a smartwatch.

How Do I Disable The Companion Device Manager?

Navigate to Security. Select Device Administrator and disable it. Under Settings, go to Applications. Select ManageEngine Mobile Device Manager Plus and Uninstall the MDM agent.

What Is The Companion App On Android?

The companion app is what gets published to the Google Play store, as described in the following figure: When users download the companion app to a handheld device, the wearable app within it is automatically pushed to all connected wearables, as described.

What Is The Use Of Android Device Manager?

Android device management allows IT administrators to manage and secure Android devices. It provides system visibility, remote app management capabilities, automatic security updates and installs, kiosk mode, security alerts, geolocation or geofencing that can auto-lock lost or stolen devices.


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