Dealing with Pelvic Floor Disorders: 5 Tips for Women

Pelvic floor disorders are not that uncommon and encompass several clinical problems in women. These include everything from urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse to pelvic-perineal region pain syndrome.

According to research published in BMC Public Health, around 40 percent of women face at least one pelvic floor disorder. Around 17 percent have two disorders, while 6 percent have at least three problems.

Thus comes the need for women to learn how to deal with pelvic floor disorders, and here’s how they can do it.

#1 Education and Awareness

Understanding the anatomy of the pelvic floor, its functions, and common disorders can empower women to make informed decisions about their health. Many resources, including reputable medical websites, books, and healthcare providers, offer valuable information on pelvic floor health.

Awareness of risk factors and symptoms is crucial for early detection and intervention. According to the Cleveland Clinic, women should be mindful of factors such as pregnancy, childbirth, obesity, and chronic constipation. These things can contribute to pelvic floor disorders. Additionally, symptoms like urinary leakage, pelvic pain, and pressure in the pelvic area should prompt further evaluation by a healthcare professional.

#2 Healthy Lifestyle Habits

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is one of the best ways women can manage pelvic floor disorders. They must prioritize regular physical activity as it helps maintain a healthy weight, improve circulation, and strengthen pelvic floor muscles. Also, a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins reduces the risk of constipation and pelvic floor issues.

According to WPA, women must also avoid smoking if they want to avoid more problems in their pelvic floor. That’s because frequent smoking leads to coughing, which puts unnecessary strain on pelvic floor muscles.

#3 Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy

For women experiencing more severe pelvic floor disorders or difficulty with pelvic floor exercises, pelvic floor physical therapy may be recommended. Pelvic floor physical therapists are trained healthcare professionals who specialize in the assessment and treatment of pelvic floor dysfunction.

During therapy, the therapist will conduct an evaluation to assess muscle strength and flexibility, as well as identify any contributing factors or underlying conditions. Based on the evaluation findings, the therapist will develop an individualized treatment plan that may include manual therapy techniques, biofeedback, and behavioral modifications.

Physical therapy can be highly effective in improving pelvic floor function and enhancing the overall quality of life for women with pelvic floor disorders. Therapy is much better than opting for transvaginal mesh implants, which can cause problems like infection and bleeding, as told by TorHoerman Law. In fact, the problems caused by such surgical mesh or vaginal mesh implants have led many to file the transvaginal mesh lawsuits.

As per the transvaginal mesh lawsuit, manufacturers of transvaginal mesh products are liable for injuries, pain, and suffering caused by their products. Thus, the vaginal mesh lawsuits were filed to seek compensation for the financial losses suffered by the victims to treat the injuries and pain. When provided with the option to choose between such dangerous mesh products or physical therapy, the latter is surely better.

#4 Behavioral Strategies

In addition to exercises and therapy, behavioral strategies can help women manage pelvic floor disorders and minimize symptoms in their daily lives. Simple lifestyle modifications like scheduling regular bathroom breaks and adopting proper toileting posture can improve bladder and bowel function and reduce urinary urgency.

Women should also be mindful of their lifting techniques, as such activities can strain the pelvic floor muscles and exacerbate pelvic organ prolapse. Using supportive devices like pelvic support garments may provide additional support for women with pelvic organ prolapse.

These devices will allow them to engage in daily activities more comfortably. Moreover, managing stress through deep breathing or yoga can help alleviate pelvic floor symptoms, as stress can exacerbate muscle tension and pelvic pain.

#5 Communication and Support

Open communication with healthcare providers and seeking support from peers or support groups can be invaluable for women dealing with pelvic floor disorders. Healthcare providers, including primary care physicians, gynecologists, and urogynecologists, can offer personalized treatment recommendations, monitor progress, and address any concerns or complications that arise.

Support groups or online forums provide a platform for women to share their experiences, seek advice, and find encouragement from others facing similar challenges. Connecting with others who understand their struggles can reduce feelings of isolation and empower women to actively manage their pelvic floor health.

In summary, pelvic floor disorders can significantly impact a woman’s physical, emotional, and social well-being, but they are not insurmountable. By keeping these tips in mind, women can effectively manage pelvic floor disorders and reclaim control over their lives. With proactive management and a multidisciplinary approach, women can live comfortably and confidently despite pelvic floor challenges.